Solo Chicken Productions is seeking auditions to fill a role in our physical theatre play, “Fruit Machine”, which will be touring Nova Scotia spring 2025! This casting call is open to all 2SLGBTQIA+ performers. While the character is a man, we are interested in receiving auditions from folks of all genders!

About the role: Herbert. A man pushed into a corner by the very institution to which he swore allegiance. Herbert, a gay officer during the LGBT Canadian Military Purge, takes great pains to fly under the radar. Herbert becomes the target of a brutal investigation when he is seduced by one of the RCMP’s informants.

About Fruit Machine: The 1960s saw the Royal Canadian Mounted Police double down on their already aggressive campaign to eliminate homosexuals from the civil service. Driven by cold war induced paranoia of security risks the RCMP pointed their attention at the queer communities for their perceived “character weaknesses”. Taking historical text, real-life accounts, poetry, and movement, Fruit Machine tells the story of hundreds through the bodies of five.

How to Audition


  1. Record a self-tape of yourself performing this monologue.

  2. Fill in your personal information and attach your self-tape here!

  3. Wait to hear back from us!

Additional info:

  • If the above system is not accessible to you, please contact us at to make other arrangements!

  • This is a NOT an Equity performance. However, we are still accepting auditions from union actors, as Solo Chicken would endeavour to make special arrangements with Equity to feature CAEA artists.

  • If you would like to memorize the monologue, great! If you would like to read the text during your audition, also great! What matters to us is that we hear the text as it is written!

  • Everyone who auditions will hear back one way or another!

  • In-person callbacks will be held in Fredericton, NB for those who can attend!

  • Fruit Machine will be rehearsing and touring in April and May 2025. Please check the full dates (listed in our form!) to double-check your availability!

  • Fruit Machine is a professional production. Solo Chicken is proud to pay their artists fair wages at industries standards.

    To learn more about Fruit Machine, click here!