Improv Classes

Improv Classes

  • Level 1 Improv

    Embrace your impulses, sharpen your wit, and learn the ropes to performing on stage in this fun and lighthearted improv class for beginners! Perfect for first-time performers or anyone looking to brush up on their basics! This class is open to all levels of experience.

  • Level 2 Improv

    Level up your improv skills with this focused intermediate course. Develop strong storytelling skills, create unique characters and scenes, and push your limits by exploring more complex of improv techniques!

  • Level 3 Improv

    Put your skills to the test in this advanced improv course. Become a master storyteller as you and your cohort explore the boundless possibilities of long-form improv!

"Improv has helped me work on my listening and communication skills so much. As a result, I've become a better consultant and a better friend. I think that everyone could benefit from an improv course!"

- Jill M.

Over the years I've found myself losing touch with the part of me that enjoys being silly, charismatic, and playful. Taking improv classes with Jean-Michel & Solo Chicken Productions was exactly what I needed to embrace play and stop taking myself too seriously."

- Dale S.